The target consumer: Greek and foreign markets. Health conscious and demanding consumers. Α more personalized contact with our clientele will be attempted through both social media and seminars or relevant culinary meetings. Products offered in specialized food shops, delicatessen stores, brand e-shop.
The design: Our client asked for an aura of exclusivity which should nevertheless be rooted in elegance and measured values. We had to convey radical simplicity and hint at a different modus vivendi. We had to address a wide range of products including olive oil, flour, pasta, herb infusions, fleur de sel, etc. Many of them are based on the Triticum Dicoccum variety of wheat seeds, one of the earliest domesticated, dual core crops, in the ancient world. We opted for a design which would convey the dual nature of these valuable seeds as well the harmony and balance, the mathematical perfection of the spindle shape , which these seeds recall. We also decided to do so through a strong visual statement regarding space and matter. Using Lucio Fontana's famous Tagli (slash) pieces as additional inspiration, we designed simple white surfaces - packages which are distinguished by the illusion of a cut, a twofold spindle like incision on paper. Blurring the distinction between two and three dimensionality, this is also a simple but decisive design gesture that alludes to a space-system and calm connoisseurship.